Virtual Learning in the New Normal: Bayanihan E-skwela Community Learning Hubs

Through the years, JCI Senate Manila has conducted numerous projects offering assistance to the community in times of crisis. In the midst of a global pandemic, online platforms have become the medium for learning. JCI partnered with the Office of the Vice President for the Bayanihan E-skwela Community Learning Hubs, an initiative to help students and teachers cope with the transition to online learning.

Factors such as lack of access to gadgets and stable internet connection hinder the productivity of students and teachers alike. And so, it is the prerogative of the OVP and several NGOs to create spaces with the necessary tools to assist people, effectively improving virtual learning. Through the collective efforts of its senators, JCI Senate Manila was able to donate computers, pieces of furniture, and appliances such as electric fans.

Currently, the learning hubs have helped countless people, especially in the country’s remotest areas where access to online learning proves to be challenging. Both students and teachers can visit these learning hubs to get additional help or to submit their online class requirements.

In terms of safety, the OVP assured that aside from following a strict schedule, these hubs are sanitized regularly to avoid coronavirus transmissions.

JCI Senate Manila believes that the first step in raising a nation is to raise educated citizens. And so, JCI will continue to conceive new ideas and help more projects to improve the education of young Filipinos – this nation’s hope and future.