2009, 2021

JCI Rolls out Astra Zeneca Vaccines

September 20, 2021|Categories: News|Comments Off on JCI Rolls out Astra Zeneca Vaccines

The JCI Senate Manila board is happy to announce the successful roll-out of the 50 free doses of Astra Zeneca Covid-19 vaccines. First doses were administered last August 27, 2021 held at the Palacio de Maynila along Roxas Boulevard, with the second dose scheduled on September 22, 2021. JCI Senate Manila Immediate Past President Jefferson Plaza spearheaded acquisition of the vaccines, in conjunction with the procurement initiatives of the Yap Group of Companies, and deployed [...]

2009, 2021

JCI conducts TAX TALK with SGV

September 20, 2021|Categories: News|Comments Off on JCI conducts TAX TALK with SGV

JCI Senate Manila recently collaborated with distinguished accounting firm SGV for TAX TALK. Chaired by JCI Senator Carlo Galarrita, TAX TALK was an exclusive forum where highlights of the BIR's recently rolled out CREATE Law were presented and discussed. Heading the talk were Atty. Fidela I Reyes, SGV Partner for International Tax Services, and Ms. Maricris U. See, SGV Partner for Global Compliance and Reporting. The partners from SGV elaborated on the particulars of the [...]

2009, 2021

JCI Senate Manila Donates to Agoncillo

September 20, 2021|Categories: News|Comments Off on JCI Senate Manila Donates to Agoncillo

Last July 22, 2021 saw JCI Senate Manila mobilize OPLAN DAMAYAN in the wake of the then recent explosion of Taal Volcano, which displaced several hundred families. The deployment was timely, as it has coincided with the aftermath of heavy torrential rains, which caused severe flooding. Thus, giving JCI an opportunity to extend assistance to flood victims as well. Having successfully made contact with Agoncillo Municipal Mayor, Her Excellency, Cinderella V. Reyes, the OPLAN DAMAYAN [...]

306, 2021

JCI Senate Manila Heeds the Call of PGH

June 3, 2021|Categories: News|Comments Off on JCI Senate Manila Heeds the Call of PGH

A five-hour fire struck the Philippine General Hospital (PGH) in the wee hours of Sunday, May 16, 2021, affecting the nursery area of the hospital. This required the immediate moving of over eighty newborn infant patients to various alternative locations such as the PGH chapel. Responding to this, the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Senate Manila, led by Vice President for Community JCI Senator Gilbert Go and JCI Senate Manila President Larry Wu, mobilized the speedy [...]

306, 2021

Donation Drives in Manila

June 3, 2021|Categories: News|Comments Off on Donation Drives in Manila

Last April 17, the JCI Senate Manila board facilitated the donation of 300 bottles of drinking water, 300 face shields, and 300 surgical masks. These were received by Barangay Chairman Eddie Borbe of Barangay 171 in Manila. The donation was for the individuals getting their shots at the vaccination center. The turnover was attended by JCI Senate Manila President Larry Wu, VP for Communities Gilbert Go, and Director for National Relations Raul Garingan.   JCI [...]

1612, 2020

Oplan Damayan: Tinambac Camarines Sur, Brgy Sogod

December 16, 2020|Categories: News|Comments Off on Oplan Damayan: Tinambac Camarines Sur, Brgy Sogod

JCI Senate Manila, through the generosity of our members, donated fishing nets to the people of Tinambac Camarines Sur, Brgy Sogod. This small coastal barangay is a fishing village that was hit hard by typhoon Ulysses. A lot of homes and livelihood were damaged or destroyed. A total of 207 fishermen were able to receive these fishing nets. This vital tool will allow them to restart their livelihood and pave the way for their return [...]

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