Senator Business Profile:

Senator: PP Mark Ong

Name of Business/Brand: Carag + Ong & Partners

Location of Office/Stores/Branches:
Quezon City

Nature of Business/Product/Service:
Architectural Design and Consultation Services

Kindly share with us a brief history of Carag + Ong & Partners.

Carag + Ong & Partners was first established in 1979. The firm since its inception has been designing and building a wide range of projects, diverse in its complexity and simple in its underlying solutions, from commercial to residential; industrial to institutional; micro to macro.

Over the years, the firm has evolved in its form and structure, but its core values and beliefs have remained constant – Form is Function – the essential architectural vision of the firm. Synthesizing of form and function into an absolute singularity and truth has always been the foundation of the firm’s design creation. Never content with the typical and the mundane.

As an architectural firm, are there types of projects you specialize in?

Carag + Ong & Partners designs a wide range of projects – our portfolio consists of commercial, residential, institutional, and industrial from small projects to large urban design township developments. Our clients and projects lists include : SM Mall of Asia, SM Corporate Offices and Malls, Filinvest South Station Mall, Chinese General Hospital and several other large companies and establishments.

What were the biggest challenges brought about by the current pandemic?

The biggest challenge with the current pandemic is coordination and supervision. The latest technologies such as video calls/ meetings have undoubtedly helped in mitigating the problems and issues, but nothing beats face to face meetings, discussions, and especially onsite construction inspections.

With the current pandemic still in a state of unending flux for the foreseeable horizon, what measures are you taking, or have taken to ensure the stability of your practice?

Health and safety is the number one concern so we made sure all our staff were fully vaccinated. Investments in remote working/ work from home equipment and technologies along with health and safety protocols such as office employee ratio and variable work schedules are being implemented.

Can you share your opinions and viewpoints of the current business landscape?

The current pandemic has basically fast tracked/ ushered in something that we collectively as a society is already transitioning into, if not already amid – Digital Living. In the Philippines we have already started doing online sales, purchases, communications etc. even before the lockdowns, the pandemic merely made it more evident. Moving forward this way of life and doing business will become the norm not the exception whether it be because of necessity or simply a matter of convenience.

Looking ahead, what steps will you be taking to stay more competitive?

In our field it will always be a 2-pronged approach. Investments in technology such as new software, equipment, training, and digital communication etc. will be essential tools to stay competitive, but equally important if not more crucial is the value of tactile/ face to face human interaction, consultations, and precise onsite inspections.