JCI Senate Manila recently collaborated with distinguished accounting firm SGV for TAX TALK.

Chaired by JCI Senator Carlo Galarrita, TAX TALK was an exclusive forum where highlights of the BIR’s recently rolled out CREATE Law were presented and discussed.

Heading the talk were Atty. Fidela I Reyes, SGV Partner for International Tax Services, and Ms. Maricris U. See, SGV Partner for Global Compliance and Reporting. The partners from SGV elaborated on the particulars of the the tax law, and diligently gave answers and clarified certain details to in-depth questions sent in by entrepreneurs and professionals in the JCI Senate.
And now for the benefit of the general public, the partners of SGV have generously agreed to allow us to share their slideshow on the new CREATE Law. However, due to potentially sensitive aspects in the Q&A, that section of the event is not included in the posted video.

See you all at our next event!
Mabuhay ang JCI Senate Manila!
