Last July 22, 2021 saw JCI Senate Manila mobilize OPLAN DAMAYAN in the wake of the then recent explosion of Taal Volcano, which displaced several hundred families. The deployment was timely, as it has coincided with the aftermath of heavy torrential rains, which caused severe flooding. Thus, giving JCI an opportunity to extend assistance to flood victims as well.

Having successfully made contact with Agoncillo Municipal Mayor, Her Excellency, Cinderella V. Reyes, the OPLAN DAMAYAN Taal field team composed of Chairman VP Gilbert Go, Immediate Past President Jefferson Plaza, President Larry Wu, Past President Ping Kamantigue, along with JCI Senate Manila Board Directors Rodney Kwan Laurel, Jojo Chua, and Carlo Villegas, trekked south towards the town of Agoncillo Batangas to facilitate the donation of five hundred (500) hygiene care packs.

Each pack contained various articles of clothing, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, face masks, and towels, which were donated by Hapee of JCI Past President Cecilio Pedro, as well as other anonymous JCI donors, with support from Dental B.

#OplanDamayan #JCISenateManila