A five-hour fire struck the Philippine General Hospital (PGH) in the wee hours of Sunday, May 16, 2021, affecting the nursery area of the hospital. This required the immediate moving of over eighty newborn infant patients to various alternative locations such as the PGH chapel.

Responding to this, the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Senate Manila, led by Vice President for Community JCI Senator Gilbert Go and JCI Senate Manila President Larry Wu, mobilized the speedy donation of over 7,000 pieces of diapers under the “JCI Senate Manila CARES” initiative.

Upon further coordination, it was expressed by PGH personnel that the hospital also urgently other need donations for rubbing alcohol and baby wipes. Solicitation for additional funding and sponsorships is now being organized by the JCI Senate Manila Board.

If you find it in your hearts to give to our brothers and sisters at PGH, please reach out to any current board member. Any donation in cash or kind will go a long way. For cash donations, you may course it through our Chapter account:

BDO Current Account
Junior Chamber International Senate Manila Inc.
CA# 000568030560

“Service to humanity is best work of life!”